St. Stephen's
Rector - the Rev. Amy Bunce
Assisting Clergy - the Rev Sunil Steephan
10 Grosvenor Crescent
Saskatoon, SK S7J 2S2
Sunday Services - 8:30am & 10:30am
Phone: (306) 374-4066
St. Stephen’s Vision is to be a Christ Centred, Holy Spirit led, Caring Community that is Outward Focused. Over the past 65 years, St. Stephen’s has been a Spirit filled place of worship and community. We continue to live this out together, by God’s grace. We have 2 Sunday morning services, (average attendance of 90--100), and a newly formed Malayalam congregation that worships at 5 pm under the leadership of Rev. Sunil Steephan ( average attendance of 20). The growth we are experiencing is due, in large part, to newcomers to Canada. We also welcome retirees who move into the city from rural churches. We lead services 2-4 times a month at long term care homes and other homes. We employ a part time music director, a part time church school coordinator and a part time office administrator as well as a full-time parish priest.. We face the loss of our young people when they go away to university or graduate from high school. We have many new church members, and many who have been a part of the parish for many years. Many church members are facing health and mobility challenges. We are challenged to find ways to create a sense of belonging for all, old and new, across differing cultural backgrounds and theological understanding, rooted in the gospel. We have work to do in nurturing small groups and other opportunities for deepening in relationship to one another and in our Christian faith. Some St. Stephen’s ministries: English conversation circles, gift baskets for shelters, Christmas gifts for all children living in Adele House. Over the past 10 years, St. Stephen’s has sponsored several refugees and currently is waiting to welcome a man from South Sudan. St. Stephen’s has a long history of involvement and support for Camp Okema.
One of our strengths is our relatively newer building, which is not overly financially burdensome and allows us to support various organizations and groups. Another strength is our ability to welcome people looking for a church community that is traditionally Anglican while being warm and homey. A real challenge is trying to build community with seasoned church members who have been involved in many ministries over the decades and are needing a break, while welcoming new people and helping them find their place.