St. Martin's in the Field
Rector - the Rev. Ann Salmon
End of St. Martin’s Road
Pike Lake, SK
Sunday service at 10:30am
Facebook: St. Martin's Community Church
A small but welcoming community in Pike Lake, Saskatchewan. St. Martin’s is a very small rural congregation in a very small building adjacent to Pike Lake Provincial Park. The part time parish priest leads worship twice a month and is available, as needed, to attend to pastoral care matters. Community involvement through food and music is one of the congregation’s greatest strengths. Members of the community turn out in droves for the annual Fowl Supper (to eat and to help with the meal), and for the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Musicians from the congregation and community come together in a community chorus to sing regularly at care homes in Saskatoon. As is true of many healthy small congregations, St. Martin’s is “light on its feet” and able to adapt quickly to any situation. This is another great strength. A lack of financial resources could be considered a weakness, but whenever something needs to be done or someone in the congregation or community needs support, the resources always seem to be available.