St. George’s Anglican Parish

191 - 24th Street
Battleford, SK S0M 0E0

Sunday Service at 5:00pm

Incumbent — Rev. Trevor Malyon
Assistant Priest — Rev. Jan Trost

St. George’s Anglican Church, centrally located in Battleford, was founded in 1886. The church has been home to a dedicated congregation for many generations. In the year 2000 the old church building and hall were replaced with a new structure which is fully accessible allowing use by several community groups. A few years later, due to lowering attendance and financial constraints,
St. George’s joined St. Paul’s North Battleford to become Battle River Parish with a shared Incumbent. In 2012 we began sharing our building with Grace Community Church. We continued to hold morning services at 9:30 a.m. and in the autumn of 2019 we added Evening Prayer twice a month at 5:00 p.m. Following Covid, morning services are now held at St. Paul’s and weekly evening services at St. George’s. We have resumed hosting a Shrove Tuesday supper, Maundy Thursday service, and St. George’s Christmas teas. St George’s is committed to outreach by hosting monthly Senior Lunches with an average of 50 attending, donating monthly to local and Anglican charities and collecting food for the Food Bank. We have a long history of ministry to Red Pheasant and surrounding first nations and to residents of 3 local nursing homes and Sask. Hospital. Our greatest concern is our aging population, lack of young families, and a few people carrying the majority of work. Our strengths are that we are a warm welcoming congregation, with involved parishioners who believe that God’s faithfulness will keep us together and growing. In a bishop we would like to see understanding of rural challenges and attentiveness to our concerns.