Christ Anglican Church
Incumbent - the Rev. Mark Kleiner
Assisting Priest — The Rev. Peter Coolen
515 - 28th Street West
Saskatoon, SK S7L 4R5
Phone: (306) 242-0165
Facebook: @christchurchsk
Christ Anglican Church, Saskatoon
At this point in our long history, Christ Church is thriving. The first service here was held in 1907, making it one of the oldest parishes in the diocese. We are in the Caswell Hill neighbour-hood of Saskatoon, and we take our role in it very seriously and are active with the community association. We are a meeting place for many groups and activities (3 AA groups, an NA Group, Yoga and exercise groups, Royal Canadian Legion and are the Regimental Chapel for the North Sask. Regiment among others) Lately we have amped up our outreach by raising money for two refugee families, opening a free video store, hosting a CHEP Good Food market on Fridays and a weekly free bread program. We host a free monthly community supper and we have weekly coffee houses, bible studies, and Mid-Day Prayer and Evening Prayer services in addition to our Sunday worship with choir and Sunday School. We have new people in our pews, through our outreach programs, and our new parishioners bring a fresh sense of energy, which helps our long-time parishioners find renewed strength. We are the Waterloo Accord in action; both our current incumbent, the Rev. Mark Kleiner, and our previous incumbent are Lutheran pastors. We are also blessed with several honorary retired clergy as well as a non-stipendiary priest, the Rev. Peter Coolen, whose work is invaluable.