The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Rector - the Rev. Laura Marie Piotrowicz
816 Spadina Crescent E,
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H4
Facebook: @stjohnscathedralsaskatoon
YouTube: St. John's Cathedral Saskatoon
Sunday Service - 8:00am and 10:30am
Every Wednesday 12:10pm (bring bag lunch for social afterwards)
We are a vibrant faithful and faith-fuelled community as a cathedral, an urban church, a neighbourhood church, and a destination church, located in beautiful downtown Saskatoon. Our diverse and intergenerational congregation consists of nearly 200 households of varied backgrounds, needs, offerings, and perspectives. We are a group of quite different people worshipping together, with a common focus: Jesus Christ. Our history is important to us, as it provides the foundation for our present and future expressions of ministry. We are willing to try new things, as we are progressive thinkers in a historical context. We strive to find ways to best use the resources we have inherited, to do the work God is calling us to today. Our worship blends contemporary and traditional, at Sunday 8.00 (Spoken Eucharist) and 10.30 (Choral Eucharist with Sunday School, and energetic coffee hour every week), and Wednesdays 12.10 (spoken Eucharist and fellowship lunch). Our total weekly attendance is approximately 100, with around 50 viewers joining our livestream. We are blessed to host special services and Diocesan events. We celebrate our faith, dwelling joyfully and prayerfully in a season of hope. We celebrate a strong sense of volunteerism, with engaged and capable people doing tremendous work towards our vision. We emphasize ministries of music, prayer, outreach, spiritual formation, pastoral presence, service, and community-building. We collaborate with other churches and agencies as we endeavour to be a welcoming and engaging spiritual center for the city. We take seriously our responsibility for our magnificent Cathedral building, a treasure passed to us from previous generations to be preserved for those who will worship here for years to come. We are embracing new ways to engage all ages, cognizant of the changes to demographics and the impact that has on financial viability. We are actively working on our online presence, our liturgical offerings, our spiritual formation, and our evangelism. While we enjoy a relatively stable position as a post-COVID church, we are intentional and realistic about our place in the modern world. We commit to being flexible to changes while rooted in our core values. We aspire for a bishop who will walk alongside us on our journey, who approaches the realities of our diocese with vision and hope. They will practice servant leadership, encourage other leaders, commit to pastoral care, embrace leadership in worship, demonstrate a spirit of inclusivity and engagement, be spiritually and emotionally healthy, and be competent in matters of business, financial stewardship, and communications.